About Chicago Red Dress Party!
Chicago Red Dress Party started back in 2010. And as the years have gone by this will be a Red Dress event not to miss! Up until the main event, we will be having lots of smaller events all around town, from Wine Tasting Parties, Brunch on are favorite Sunday Funday!, Charity dinner event and much much more........
Red Dress Rules!
There are no RULES! Oh who are we kidding.
We do require proper attire!
Cash Bar for the night, we ask you drink responsibly!
There will be press and photography going on thru out the night, so come dress and looking good. Cause you probably will be on camera at some point!
Have fun, be safe and have a good time.
No drama, or fighting!
Be social and come ready to network and make new friendships!

History of Red Dress!
Red Dress has been around for several years. It was started in Chicago in 2011. Chicago Red Dress is a Midwest tradtion that has been hosted for several years, bringing a large group of diverse people from all different types of backgrounds, gay, straight, lesbian, transgender, all are welcome for a night of fun, laugher and good times. Red Dress is currently hosted in several citys around the United States. From Portland, Seattle, Dallas, Orlando, San Diego, Albuquerque and Scaramento.
The Chicago Red Dress Party is an event dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the HIV/AIDS movement and to building a strong, unified LGBT and allied community.

What to Wear?
We all know that looking for the perfect outfit can be a nightmare. What dress to pick out? Short? Long? Sleeveless? Than theirs the accessories. What purse to pick out? What jewelry? And than the shoes? Flats? High heels? The pressure to looking right for Red Dress.

You must arrive at the venue in a red dress. No street clothes, pants, t-shirts, just underwear, non-dress outfits! We encourage creativity and fun and trust me...you don't want to be that one person sticking out!